Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hey look, it's me posting a "Workout Wednesday"...and I've actually worked out! July has been rough and I'm very disappointed in myself for getting so off track after going 6 weeks with no setbacks. The summer cold I had after the 4th of July was not only a lesson in how miserable summer colds are, but also in not milking a bout of sickness for all it's worth. I kept making the excuse that my breathing wasn't "normal" yet so how could I possibly expect to be able to run?! I think I used that excuse about a week past its expiration date.

I've about exhausted every possible excuse I could make. I should have just faced it that the idea of trying to hop back in on week 7 for 25 minutes of continuous running simply wasn't going to happen. I'd have to go back and repeat some days. After making a few bows this afternoon I took a break and headed to the gym ready to go back to the beginning of week 6...5 min. warmup, 5 min run, 3 min walk, 8 min. run, 5 min walk, 5 min run, 5 min cool-down. Was it easy? No. Did I finish it? Yes I did!

Tomorrow I'll try for day two of week 6 which will be two 10 minute runs. I'm not sure that the idea of running for 30 minutes continuously will ever be less daunting. I'm starting to feel like my 5k goal of running my first race in September may not be as obtainable as I thought. But once again, I think I'm just making excuses.

What kind of activities do you enjoy doing to get out and off the couch?

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