Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

After two, what I would consider valiant, attempts of getting my car out of my parking lot I am now officially having a snow day! Trying to shovel a car out of at least 2 foot tall drifts only to get stuck and have to shovel some more really is a good arm workout ;) I have been thinking recently about trying to sell my wood panel paintings again. I'm not sure if it's better to have an Etsy shop focused on one medium or not. When I started my Etsy shop that was all I was selling was wood panel paintings, like you see pictured here. I then started doing invitations/save-the-date cards, but quickly felt that this was not giving me the stress relief I was looking for and was becoming an extension of work. I'm now exclusively selling photos as I felt that focusing on one thing was the best idea. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated! Would it be messy/less appealing to have a shop with photos and paintings? Are the wood panel paintings intriguing enough to make another go of it? Help! Haha.

With that said I'm going to enjoy the rest of my snow day...I hope everyone else that is buried in snow is enjoying theirs as well :)

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